Monday, December 31, 2012

Ready to purge? Next time, think twice before you buy.

I follow a blog that I've shared with many friends and particularly liked this post:

By The Decorologist.

This is Kristie Barnett's version of the famous William Morris quote: “Have nothing in your home that is not functional or doesn’t bring you joy because of its beauty or meaning to you. And strive for both, if possible.”

Check it out!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

So Many Ornaments!

Do you have more ornaments than you need this year?

If you have children, nieces or nephews, consider purchasing an ornament box before Christmas. Currently, these boxes are in stores and come in all sizes and price points. You can fill the ornament box as you take down your tree.

If your children are grown, go ahead and pass the box along! If not, purchase a different box for each child or family member and store individually until they have a home of their own.

What a nice way to pass on those ornaments along with a proper storage box that will keep the ornaments in use for years to come!
Sterilite Large Ornament Box Set of 6 - Clear