Tuesday, November 29, 2011

To keep or not to keep - Heirlooms?

Over and over again, I meet people that tell me they are saving boxes of items for their children. My first question is "Are you saving it for them, or for YOU?" Get your children involved in this process!

My daughter is 11 and ready to shelf her American girl doll. I asked her when will be the next time she will use it. She's not sure. When she has children? Specifically a girl? I'm thinking that better be at least 15 years away!!!

The idea of passing on heirloom items is overly fantasized. In general, we all have too much stuff that we hold onto that will never be considered an heirloom.

My best advice is to enjoy what you have today and give it away rather than storing it for 20 years in hopes of using it in the future. Give it to a friend or post it on FB. Give it to Goodwill and give someone a job.

What did we do with my daughter's American Girl doll? We postponed that decision one more year. We gave away accessories pictured below to a friend and passed on a smile TODAY!


American Girl accessories 

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