Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's not that Nasty! Someone can use it? Right?

Take it to the Dump!
If something in your home is nasty, throw it away! Items that are dirty, stained, torn, or broken should not be given to charity. If you wouldn't feel comfortable giving something to a friend or family member, don't give it to a charity either. Throw it away! Furthermore, if you wouldn't feel comfortable with a friend or family member, using something in your home, for instance, sleeping on your ratty sheets, throw them away. If you wouldn't want your doctor to see your toilet seat because it is so stained, replace it, and please, throw the old one away. If the garbage can in your home office is the one you had in your college dorm room and it has decade old chewing gum stuck in the bottom of it, throw it away.

Go through your home with fresh eyes and see what is nasty. If you can't face it, call a trusted, no nonsense friend and let them speak freely about what is nasty in your home. Make a list as you go through your house or follow your friend through you house. Before you go to Target, or Ikea, or Walmart or some other big box store to replace every little nasty thing you threw away, stop and think. Do you really need a trash can in every room? 

Don't replace your nasty electric can opener with a new one. Buy a manual can opener that can be stored in a kitchen drawer, and put in the dishwasher. Swing-away and OXO brands make very good manual can openers.

Really scrutinize what you need to replace. Ask yourself some questions: 
How often is this item used? 
Does this item have a functional place to be stored? 
Can I live without one of these? 
Obviously, the toilet needs a seat, but does the seat need a new fuzzy cover on the lid? NO!

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