Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Cleaning is for Workspaces Too!

What does your desk look like?
Start at the top, whether office, cube or nook. Remove any paper or decor that is no longer timely or necessary. Check for spider webs and dust bunnies and brush those away. Remove items and paper from shelves, desk, or cabinet one surface at a time so as not to overwhelm the space or your employer. Go through paper and recycle as you clean off each surface. 

Wipe each surface and item before returning things to their proper place. Disinfecting wipes are great for this purpose and a handy thing to keep in a desk drawer just in case of a future coffee spill or lunch mishap and to regularly disinfect your phone and computer keyboard. 

Look through drawers and and discard things that do not belong, such as ketchup packs or dried up ink pens. When you have freshened to your satisfaction, don't forget to empty the trash and use a disinfecting wipe to clean the garbage can before putting in a new liner.

Home offices are all sizes!

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