Sunday, August 21, 2011

Is that a bucket under your sink?

Collect towels in this bucket.

Using dish towels and smaller dish cloths saves greatly on paper towel use.  I find that  white wash cloths or bar mops, available in multi packs at Walmart or Marshall's work well as a substitute.  I especially like microfiber towels for cleaning.  After using them sufficiently, I toss them into a bucket under the sink filled with water in which I have dissolved a scoop of Oxi Clean.  I dump the contents of the bucket in the washing machine and wash with a warm water load every other day or so. 

My cousin decided to give up paper towels all together after she stopped buying them during a time when she was out of work.  She said that once she developed the habit of using dish cloths, she never needed to go back to paper towels.  I don't know if I can ever totally give up paper towels, but it's a good goal.  Think of the money and trees we could save if we all just gave it a try.


  1. I use old dryer sheets (downy) are the biggest... once they are "used" from the dryer I put them into the plastic container of pop up kitchen wipes... add some of my favorite all purpose cleaner and viola kitchen wipes. Much tougher and longer lasting than paper towels and they hold up "wet" in the container. If you are really frugal, you can even wash the dryer sheet... they are that indestructible.
